Sprouted buckwheat granola

Sprouted buckwheat granola

Inspired by a recipe in Going Raw, the first raw vegan recipe book I purchased. I have been making this granola for years. As my taste has evolved, I have reduced the sugar in the recipe. I updated this recipe in February 2022 to reflect the change.

Yields 6 cups


2 cups of hulled bucked soaked overnight, rinsed and then sprouted*

2 cups of walnuts soaked overnight, rinsed and then rough chopped**

1 cup of flaxseeds soaked about 1 hour in 1¼ cups of water- do not drain the water

2 cups of rolled oats

1 cup of hemp seeds

1½ cups of dried cranberries

½ cup of maple syrup

2 tablespoons of pure vanilla extract

1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon of Himalayan or sea salt


Soak and sprout the buckwheat two days before you make the granola.

Soak the walnuts the night before you make the granola.

Soak the flax seeds 1 hour before you make the granola.

In a large bowl combine all the ingredients and mix well - sprouted buckwheat, soaked and rinsed walnuts, soaked flax seeds (don’t drain), oats, hemp seeds, dried cranberries, maple syrup and palm sugar, vanilla, cinnamon and salt.

Spread mixture on dehydrator trays lined with non-stick sheets of parchment paper. Dehydrate at 118°F or 47°C for 12 hours then flip, removing the non-stick sheet or parchment paper. Dehydrate for another 12 hours until completely dry.

If you do not have a dehydrator you can make this recipe in the oven on its lowest temperature setting. It is important to note, if your oven’s lowest setting is above 118°F the granola will no longer be considered raw.

It can be stored in an airtight container for several weeks. I usually make a double batch so it lasts my husband and I for about one month.

*To sprout buckwheat: once it has been soaked overnight and rinsed I leave the buckwheat in my plastic colander, covered with a clean tea towel for one to two days until I see tiny tails start to form. I place the colander over a bowl to catch any drips. A plate will also work if it has a high enough lip. By sprouting the buckwheat, you enhance the nutritional value by bringing the seed to life. Sprouted buckwheat is a seed but tastes like a grain so it is gluten-free.

**Raw cuisine calls for you to soak all nuts to remove the enzyme inhibitors for easier digestion, however, this and other recipes can be made without this step.

Click here to download recipe