Warm spring potato salad

Warm spring potato salad

Yields 4 servings as a side dish


8 to 10 spring potatoes - sliced into quarters

1 summer squash – sliced (yellow zucchini has a nice thin skin)

10 garlic scapes - chopped into bite size pieces

2 spring onions – slice white part for the salad, save the greens portion for garnishing

1 tablespoon olive oil

Fresh ground sea salt and pepper


2 tablespoons olive oil

¼ cup apple cider vinegar

Salad base

4 large stems of kale - sliced in ribbons (you can use any hardy greens)

If it is your main dish and you want to up the protein add navy beans 


Boil potatoes in salted water. Use enough water to cover the potatoes – add ¼ teaspoon of Himalayan or sea salt. The potatoes are ready when they are fork tender. You don’t want to overcook the potatoes. Drain the water.

While the potatoes are boiling put the sliced squash, garlic scapes and white part of spring onion in a pan. Lightly sauté in olive oil. Add drained potatoes and continue to sauté for a few more minutes.

Take the pan off the heat. Dress the salad with olive oil and apple cider vinegar. Add more salt and pepper to suit your taste.

Serve the dressed, warm potato salad on a bed of kale leaves and garnish with green portion of spring onions.

Click here to download recipe