Raw vegan chocolates

Raw vegan chocolates

Yields: 16


1 cup cocoa butter – finely chopped

3 tablespoons maple syrup

½ cup raw cacao

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

⅛ teaspoon pink or sea salt

Filling ideas

Cacao nibs

Goji berries

Cranberries or raisins

Brazil nuts

Cayenne powder

turmeric or ginger

Sprouted buckwheat

Coarse sea salt

Fruit sauce


Finely chop or grate cocoa butter. Place in a glass bowl in a dehydrator at 118 degrees for approximately 1 hour. Make sure all the solids are dissolved. You can also use a double boiler, but it will no longer be considered raw.

Once it is melted and still warm add the maple syrup - whisk until thoroughly combined.

Add cacao powder, vanilla, and sea salt – whisk again until there are no clumps. If the chocolate starts to solidify, just put it back in the dehydrator for a couple minutes.

Fill your chocolate molds halfway. I use a chopstick to spread the chocolate up the side of the mold. Sprinkle in your filling choices. If you are using the fruit sauce make sure you have a solid base of chocolate – otherwise the sauce may ooze out. Pour the rest of the chocolate in the molds. Use a small metal spatula to scrape off the excess.

Transfer chocolate to the refrigerator to set - about 1 hour.

Click here to download recipe