Avocado chocolate mousse

Avocado chocolate mousse

A few simple ingredients make this creamy chocolate dessert. Try it frozen in the summer – it reminds me of fudgsicle.

Yields: 4 servings


3 avocados – peeled and pitted

1 cup dates or ½ cup – organic cane sugar

3/4 cup water (reduce by 1/4 if you use cane sugar)

¼ cup raw cacao (add 1 more tablespoon if you like dark chocolate)

½ teaspoon vanilla extract

¼ teaspoon Himalayan salt


In a high-speed blender combine water, sugar and salt. Blend until the sugar and salt are dissolved. Add the remaining ingredients.

Pour into dessert dishes and refrigerate. Serve cold.

You can also pour the mixture into frozen treat molds.

Click here to download recipe

Mousse with frozen blueberries

Mousse with frozen blueberries

This recipe made for large frozen bars.

This recipe made for large frozen bars.