Salted nut butter balls

Salted nut butter balls

These are my husband’s favorite. When you bite into the creamy rich energy ball you get the sweetness of the dates up front and the Himalayan salt in the finish

Yields: 18 balls


1 cup of cashews - raw, unsalted [i]

1 cup of walnuts - raw unsalted 

2 tablespoons coconut oil

1 cup of dates

1 teaspoon of coarse salt

1 teaspoon vanilla

6 tablespoons of hemp hearts (2 for inside the balls and at least 4 to coat the outside).


If your dates are not soft or fresh soak them in warm water for 5 min. Strain and dry.

In a food processor chop nuts until finely ground.

Add coconut oil, dates and vanilla and mix until a paste forms.

Add coarse salt and half the hemp hearts and continue to blend until incorporated.

You should be able to form balls. If it is too sticky, put the paste in the fridge for 15 minutes.

Roll the tablespoon size balls and coat them in the remaining hemp hearts.

Place in the freezer for 30 minutes before serving. They can be stored for several weeks in the freezer.

Click here to download recipe

[i] I soak all my nuts and seeds. It removes the enzyme inhibitors making them easier to digest. The nuts are then dehydrated for 16 to 20 hours, until they snap or crunch to the bite. They can be stored in an airtight container for three months. I usually make large batches, so I have them on hand for snacking or recipes. This recipe can be made without soaking.