Coconut tamarind cookie

Coconut tamarind cookie

Yields 24 bite size cookies

Tamarind is a delicious, sweet, and sour fruit that has a wide variety of uses. It works with sweet and savory recipes. I like to eat it right out of the pod.

Health benefits range from aiding weight loss to being a mild laxative.


2 cups almonds, soaked 8 to 12 hours, rinsed and dehydrated

2 cups dry shredded coconut (sulphate free)

¼ cup coconut or palm sugar

¼ cup tamarind paste

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Dash of salt

Optional – couple drops of coconut or lemon essence


Place all the ingredients except the coconut in the food processor and mix.

Once the mixture is starting to bind add the coconut and pulse a few more times.

You want the coconut to be seen in the cookie not blended in.

Use a teaspoon from your measuring spoon set to form the cookies.

Store in the refrigerator in a sealed glass jar for 1 month or 3 months in the freezer.

Click here to download recipe