Mocha cheese tart

Mocha cheese tart

Yields 8 tarts or 9.5-inch pie

For a less fussy version, layer the cookie crust and mousse in a parfait glass. 



2 cups shredded coconut, unsweetened and sulphate-free

1 cup almonds – soaked, rinsed and dehydrated [i]

⅓ cup of dates, packed at room temperature

½ cup raw cacao powder

¼ teaspoon sea salt

Chocolate sauce – (for mocha mousse and garnish) this makes a lot more than you require for this recipe, but it keeps for 2 weeks in the refrigerator or 3 months in the freezer. I love it on banana ice cream.

1 ¾ cups maple syrup 

1 ½ cups cacao powder

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Pinch of salt

3 tablespoons coconut oil, warmed to liquid

Caramel middle layer - optional, but tasty

1 cup of cashews, soaked for 4 hours, rinsed and drained

½ cup maple syrup

¼ coconut oil, warmed to liquid

¼ teaspoon vanilla extract

Pinch of salt

Mocha Mousse

1 cup of fermented almond cheese 

1 cup powdered cane sugar

3 tablespoons strong coffee

3 tablespoons chocolate sauce (see above recipe)

1 tablespoon vanilla

¼ cup of cacao butter - melted



Put the shredded coconut in a food processor fitted with the “S” blade and process to a fine meal.

Add almonds and process again until it is now a coarse meal.

Add cacao and salt and pulse briefly.

Add dates, dropping them through the chute of the food processor one at a time (you may need more or less). You only need enough dates to make the ingredients stick together. The mixture should be able to hold together if you compress some in the palm of your hand. 

You can make 8 cupcake size tarts or press the crust mixture into a 9.5-inch deep dish pie pan. Make sure the base is even and pressed down firmly.

You can save a small amount of the crust to crumble on top of your tart as a garnish.

Refrigerate the crusts while you make the next layer.

Caramel middle layer

Combine all the ingredients together in a high-speed blender except the melted coconut oil. While it is mixing add the coconut oil.

Refrigerate to allow the caramel to cool and thicken. At least ½ hour.


Combine all the ingredients together in a high-speed blender except the melted cacao butter. Mix until well blended. Continue mixing while you slowly add the melted cacao butter. Refrigerate for at least ½ hour.


Take the chilled crust layer out of the refrigerator along with the caramel. Spread the caramel evenly over the crust. Put it back in the fridge until the caramel is no longer tacky.

When the caramel is firm enough, spread a thin layer of mousse on top of it. Make sure you save enough mousse to adequately decorate the top of your tart using a piping bag.

Serve with chocolate sauce.

Almond cheese

Recipe courtesy Living Light Culinary Institute

Yields 1 cup


1 cup almonds, soaked and rinsed

½ cup

½ cup purified water[ii], plus additional water to thin if needed

⅛ teaspoon probiotic powder (½ capsule, I use HCP 30 it can be purchased at most health food stores. The same probiotic can be used for coconut yogurt)


Put the soaked almonds, water and probiotic in a high-speed blender and blend until smooth. Add more water if necessary to achieve a smooth, creamy consistency.

Line a small colander or plastic berry basket with damp cheesecloth, allowing inches of the cloth to drape down the sides.

Set the colander or the basket in a shallow dish and pour the mixture into the cheese cloth. The dish will catch the liquid as it drains off the cheese.

Fold the excess cheese cloth over the top of the cheese and place it in a warm location to ferment. After a couple of hours place a weight on top of the cheese to help press out the liquid. A small glass jar filled with water or grains is the ideal weight)

Ferment for 24-48 hours – until it has a nice cheesy taste.

Check the cheese in the morning and evening, draining the excess liquid.

Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to five days.

This process can also be done with cashews and macadamia nuts.

Note - unlike the Living Light Culinary Institute version, I don't peel my almonds unless I require a white cheese. I also ferment a bit longer.

Click here to download recipe

[i] This step is not required, but I soak all my nuts and seeds. It removes the enzyme inhibitors making them easier to digest. The nuts are then dehydrated for 16 to 20 hours, until they snap or crunch to the bite. They can be stored in an airtight container for three months. I usually make large batches, so I have them on hand for snacking or recipes.

[ii] The chlorine in tap water negatively impacts the fermenting process.

Almond cheese