Lemon zinger ice cream & coconut cookie

Lemon zinger ice cream & coconut cookie

Yields 8 servings (2 scoops of ice cream and two cookies per person)


Ice cream

1 1/3 cup fresh young coconut meat

1/2 cup cashews, soaked 8 to 12 hours, drained and rinsed

2/3 cup coconut nectar

3/4 cup lemon juice

2 tablespoons of lemon zest

6 drops of lemon essence


1 cup almonds, soaked 8 to 12 hours, rinsed and dehydrated

1 cup dry shredded coconut (sulphate free)

2 tablespoons coconut sugar

2 tablespoons tamarind paste

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Dash of salt

Optional – couple drops of coconut essence


Ice cream

Blend coconut meat, cashews, lemon juice, coconut nectar and essence in a high-speed blender. Start slow, then bring up to full speed.

Once it is smooth add zest. Blend briefly to incorporate. Pour the batter in a dish to chill. Place in a refrigerator.

You can freeze the mixture in a loaf pan or molds. If you are using a loaf pan or molds it needs four to six hours.


Place all the ingredients except the coconut in the food processor and mix.

Once the mixture is starting to bind add the coconut and pulse a few more times.

You want the coconut to be seen in the cookie not blended in.

Use a teaspoon to form the cookies.

You can put the cookies in the dehydrator for an hour while the ice cream is churning. They are also good raw.

Click here to download recipe