Harissa fava bean dip

Harissa fava bean dip

Instead of always defaulting to chickpea hummus as a dip or spread in your favourite sandwich, why not try a different bean or legume and SPICE it up!  Fava beans have an earthy flavour. I first ate them in Egypt in a dish called foul (ful). This spread is spiced up with a couple traditional Middle Eastern flavours, harissa and za'atar. Lentils can also be substituted for fava beans, which aren’t always easy to find. Just reduce the water slightly.

Yields: 3 cups


3 cups fava beans – soaked, cooked, rinsed [i]

½ cup tahini

¼ cup fresh parsley – chopped or 2 tablespoons dry

⅓ cup fresh lemon juice

Rind of 1 lemon

¼ cup water (more may be needed to reach desired consistency)

2 tablespoon tamari

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 tablespoon harissa paste

2 teaspoons Za’atar[ii]

1 teaspoon salt


Put all the ingredients except the lemon rind in high-speed blender. Blend until the mixture is smooth and it reaches the desired thickness. Add additional water if needed.

Fold in lemon rind. Put mixture into an airtight container. You can keep it in the fridge for 7 to 10 days.

Click here to download recipe

[i] Soak the dry beans overnight. Rinse the beans well. Put in a pot with enough water to cover. I use purified water for all my soaking and cooking. Bring to a boil - simmer for about 30 minutes - until the beans are tender. I usually make a large batch and freeze them in one to three cup serving sizes. You can also use salt-free canned beans for this recipe.

[ii] Za’atar is a Middle Eastern spice blend. You can buy it pre-mixed or you can make it yourself.

Tomato stacker with fava bean dip

Tomato stacker with fava bean dip