Fermented blueberries

Fermented blueberries

My favourite kombucha is blueberry. When I get a few whole berries in my glass, it’s a nice treat. Since I enjoy them so much, I thought I would try fermenting just the berries and use them as an alternative to jam and syrup.

Yields: 1 cup


2 cups blueberries – fresh or frozen

1 tablespoon organic cane sugar

¼ cup water kefir or kombucha – first ferment

¼ to ½ cup non-chlorinated water[i]


Pour water kefir, ¼ cup of water (reserve remaining water) and sugar in large wide mouth mason jar. Stir to dissolve the sugar. Don’t use a metal instrument, it can adversely impact the ferment. Add the blueberries. Put a weight on top of the berries or fill a small plastic bag with water and place on the top of the jar to keep the berries submerged to prevent bad bacteria growth. Add additional water if needed. I use an airlock lid, but the jar can also be covered with cheese cloth or a tea towel and secured with an elastic. Place in a warm dark place for 2 or 3 days. Put the jar on a small plate to catch any overflow during fermenting.  

After a few days, taste the berries. If you like the flavour, put a lid on the jar and place them in the fridge to slow the fermentation process. They can be enjoyed for several weeks.

click to download recipe

[i] It is important to use non-chlorinated water while fermenting – the chlorine inhibits good bacteria growth which is needed for fermenting.