Kale powder

Kale or spinach powder

In late summer, early fall I am always looking for ways to preserve my excess fruit and vegetables when they are at their peak of ripeness. I have shared how I dehydrate tomatoes and lemons, then grind them into a powder to use as flavour enhancers in a variety of dishes. You can also dry your kale or spinach. A scoop can be added to smoothies, soup or a seasoning mix. For people who don’t like eating greens, the powder allows them to sneak it into their dishes and reap the health benefits.

Yields: ¼ cup powder


2 bunches fresh kale or spinach


Dehydrator method

Set the temperature at 115° F. Dehydrating above 118° F reduces the nutritional value of food.

Wash and dry the greens. Lay the leaves as flat as possible on a dehydrator sheet. Dehydrate for 4 -6 hours, until the leaves are completely dry.

I use a high-speed blender to grind the dried leaves into a powder. If you don’t have a blender remove the stems and place the leaves in a bag.

Oven method

Set your oven to it lowest temperature. It is usually 200° F.

It is important you start with dry kale. It should dry in about 1 hour, it all depends on the moisture content of the kale.

Sunshine method

You can also use the sun. Spread the leaves on a rack, so there is airflow under the kale. Let it sit in direct sunlight until they are dry.

Seasoning mix

Try the seasoning sprinkled on roasted vegetables.

1 tablespoon kale powder

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon smoked salt

¼ teaspoon pepper

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