Almond butter

Almond butter

Yields 750 ml jar


6 cups almonds, soaked and dehydrated [i]

Himalayan or sea salt – optional *note[ii]


Pour the almonds in a high-performance food processor. Turn it on its highest setting and let the machine do the work.

Patience is the key. In my Cuisinart (3 Litre ) it takes at least 15 minutes. I stop the machine about halfway though to scrape the sides and loosen the bottom. It also gives the machine a chance to rest and cool down.

Turn the machine back on. Don’t worry, you cannot over mix it. Let it go longer than you think you should. The heat generated from the mixing process can make the almond butter look like it is done before it is actually ready, but once it cools in the refrigerator and stiffens up, you will wish you let it go longer.

The nut butter will last a couple weeks in the fridge.

[i] I soak all my nuts and seeds. It removes the enzyme inhibitors making them easier to digest. The nuts are then dehydrated for 16 to 20 hours, until they snap or crunch to the bite. They can be stored in an airtight container for three months. I usually make large batches, so I have them on hand for snacking or recipes.

[ii] I don’t use any salt in my almond butter, it is a matter of taste. Instead of salt, you can also try adding a little tamari for a bit of a roasted flavor.

Click here to download recipe

This is how the almond butter looks when it is ready. The ball has broken down to a smooth creamy spread.

This is how the almond butter looks when it is ready. The ball has broken down to a smooth creamy spread.