Fridge pickles with a kick

Fridge Pickles with a kick

Yields 2-quart jars


4½ cups purified water

2 cups apple cider vinegar

3 tablespoons – pickling salt plus 1 teaspoon[i]

1 tablespoon cane sugar

1 tablespoon pickling spice

6 - 8 fresh garlic cloves peeled

1 hot pepper sliced[ii]

20 peppercorns

Few sprigs fresh dill[iii]

6 large or 4 extra large pickling cucumbers – slice in quarters[iv]


Combine water, vinegar, salt (3 tablespoons) and sugar in a pot. Bring to a boil, make sure the sugar and salt are dissolved. Cool the liquid to room temperature.

Put garlic, peppers, peppercorns, remaining salt and pickling spice in the bottom of the jars (equal amounts in each).

Add sliced cucumbers. Pour in cooled brine. Make sure the cucumbers are covered by the liquid. Seal with an airtight lid.

Refrigerate for 48 to 72 hours. They will last 2 to 3 weeks in the fridge.


[i] Himalayan or sea salt can be used if you are certain it is pure.

[ii] I used 4 or 5 round slices of a jalapeño in each jar.

[iii] I chose not to use dill, but feel free to add some to your pickles if it is a flavor you like.

[iv] Remove the stems if they are present. I have read the enzymes in the stem can cause the pickles to soften.

Click here to download recipe