Fruit crumble

Fruit crumble

I will take a good crumble over pie any day, and it is a lot easier to make. You can use whatever fresh or frozen fruit you have. Right now, blackberries and apples are in season where I live, so that is what I used. They pair beautifully.

Yields: 8 -10 servings (2 large loaf pans)


8 cups of fruit – large dice

3 tablespoons citrus juice – lemon, lime or orange juice (for flavour balancing)

¼ cup tapioca or corn starch (amount depends on water content of fruit)

1 tablespoon cinnamon – optional


1 cup almond flour

1 cup large flake oats

⅓ to ½ cup coconut oil (solid)

⅓ cup coconut sugar

⅓ cup maple syrup

⅓ cup walnuts – small pieces

2-3 tablespoons cinnamon

2 tablespoons tapioca or corn starch

¼ teaspoon salt


Preheat oven to 350 F.

I used 5 cups of apples (skin on), 3 cups of blackberries, but it does not have to be exact. Add the juice (I used orange juice), tapioca and cinnamon. Pour it into your baking dishes. I use two large loaf pans.

To make the crumble, combine all the ingredients except the oil in a bowl. When it is well mixed, add ⅓ cup of solid coconut oil. I use my hand. Mix until it is crumbly. Add a little more if needed. Pour it on top of your fruit. I place my baking dishes on a baking sheet to catch any fruit that may leak out. Bake for 35– 45 minutes – until the top is golden brown and the fruit is bubbling.

Serve warm on its own, or with nice cream or whip cream.

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