Asian mushroom soup

Asian mushroom soup

Yields - 4 large servings


6 cups vegetable broth – use salt-free if store-bought

2 tablespoons light miso - I use chickpea miso

2 ½ tablespoons tamari

½ teaspoon of shichimi togarashi , a Japanese spice mix with heat

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 teaspoon Himalayan or sea salt

¼ teaspoon pepper

6 cups dry and fresh mushrooms – sliced (I used dried cremini and wild fresh lobster and cauliflower mushrooms)

2 cups boiling water to soak mushrooms – reserve 1 cup of liquid for broth

Seaweed for garnish

Noodle options – soba, Udon or ramen


Soak dried mushrooms in boiling water for ½ hour. Drain mushrooms and reserve the liquid.

While the mushrooms are soaking, in a large soup pot add all the remaining ingredients except the lemon juice and mushrooms. You may need to use a whisk to breakdown the miso. Bring the mixture to a boil.

Add lemon juice and mushroom soaking liquid to the broth. Taste – then adjust flavouring with a little more salt and pepper if needed. When the broth is just right, add your mushrooms.

Cook mushrooms until just tender.

If you want to add your favourite noodles – cook them separately and then add them to the soup when serving. Garnish with dry seaweed.

Noodle options – soba, Udon or ramen

Click here to download recipe