Hearty chickpea soup

Hearty chickpea soup

This soup warms my belly. It is perfect when you are feeling under the weather. By blending the vegetables, it adds a richness to the broth.

Yields: 6 servings


3 cups cooked chickpeas or 2 cans, drained and rinsed[i]

1 cup onion – chopped

1 ½ cups carrots - chopped

1 cup celery - chopped

1 tablespoon garlic

Olive oil or water for sautéing

6 cups vegetable stock

2 teaspoons Italian seasoning

½ teaspoon salt

⅛ teaspoon pepper

2 cups of roughly chopped hearty, dark, greens – beet tops, kale or Swiss Chard


Put the onion, carrots, celery and garlic in a food processor with the S-blade. Chop until fairly fine. Put contents in a large soup pot. Add the seasonings and sauté the vegetables in a little oil or water until soft. Add the vegetable stock and chickpeas. Simmer a for 5 minutes. Taste – adjust seasoning as needed.

Add the greens a few minutes before serving.

 Click here to download recipe

[i] I like to use dry beans and legumes whenever possible. They are more affordable and I can control how they are cooked. It is important you soak them for 6-8 hours and rinse them before cooking. It makes them more digestible and the nutrients more bioavailable. If you use canned, make sure they drained are rinsed. You can save the chickpea liquid and use it as a egg replacer.