Quinoa flatbread dough (pizza)

Quinoa flatbread dough (pizza)

The taste and the nutritional value of a lot of pizza dough is quite low. It can also be time consuming to make. This flatbread is super easy, tasty and packed with nutrition. My favourite topping, especially in the summer is with my carrot-top or microgreens pesto, fresh tomatoes and microgreens. When I make a big batch of pesto, I freeze the excess. It is great to pull out when you want to make this flatbread or have a quick pasta.

Yields: 4 servings – two 8-inch flatbreads


2 cups of quinoa[i]

2 cups of purified water for soaking

½ cup to ¾ cup of purified water for blending

1 tablespoon garlic powder

2 teaspoons onion powder

½ teaspoon salt


Soak quinoa for 2 - 4 hours.

Preheat oven to 425 F.

Rinse quinoa. Blend quinoa with fresh water. Start with ¼ cup water and add as needed. You want it smooth and similar to a pancake batter in consistency. Add seasonings and blend again.

Pour batter in equal amounts onto two parchment lined sheet pans (8 by 11 inches) - spread the mixture evenly with a spatula. 

Bake for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and flip-over, bake another 5 minutes until both sides are golden brown.

Once it is cooked – add your favourite pizza toppings. I chose pesto with fresh microgreens and tomatoes. Finish with a spray of olive oil, freshly ground salt and pepper and a sprinkle of cashew parmesan. If you use tomato sauce and veggies, assemble the flatbread and then put it back in the oven until your toppings are soft. Note - the bread does not stay crispy when stored.

Click here to download recipe

Cashew parmesan recipe

Microgreens pesto recipe

Carrot top pesto recipe

[i] I soak all my grains, nuts and seeds. It makes it easier for your body to digest them and absorb the nutrients.