Brussels sprout slaw

Brussels sprout slaw

Yields: 4 - 6 servings


4 cups brussels sprouts – finely sliced[i]

2 medium carrots – sliced any way you like (rounds, match sticks, grated or diced)

⅓ cup dried cranberries or ½ cup pomegranate seeds

¼ cup pumpkin seeds[ii]

3 green onions – sliced

Freshly ground salt and pepper to taste

Dressing options - ½ cup to ¾ cup

Kombucha vinaigrette – see recipe

Honey Dijon dressing – see recipe

Lemon tahini dressing – see recipe


Combine all the vegetables in a bowl. Pour about ½ cup to ¾ cup of your favourite dressing over the salad and toss. Toss until the dressing is evenly distributed. Sprinkle pumpkin seeds and cranberries on top. Add freshly ground salt and pepper to taste. This salad holds up well, so it can be dressed up to an hour in advance. If it is going to be longer, reserve the seeds and cranberries until just before serving.

Click here to download recipe

[i] To get consistent, fine slices I recommend using a mandolin or food processor.

[ii] I soak and dehydrate all my raw seeds and nuts. It eliminates the digestive enzymes for easier digestion, which means you are better able to absorb all the nutrients. Soak your nuts or seeds in purified water overnight. Rinse and dehydrate until they are completely dry. I do large batches, so I always have them on hand for recipes or snacking. They store well for a couple of months in an airtight container.