Asian slaw

Asian slaw

I made this slaw to pair with Singapore style tofu satays. It adds crunch and brightness to a rich meal.

Yields: 4 side servings


1 cup edamame beans

1½ cups cabbage – thinly sliced

½ cup bell pepper – thinly sliced

½ cup cucumber – thinly sliced

¼ cup red onion – thinly sliced

1 chili - thinly sliced - optional


3 teaspoons coconut vinegar or any vinegar you prefer

2 teaspoons tamari

1 teaspoon cane sugar

1 teaspoon sesame oil

⅛ teaspoon salt

Pinch of black pepper


2 tablespoons green onion – finely sliced

1 tablespoon black sesame seeds


Lightly steam the edamame beans. Let them cool while you assemble the rest of the salad.

Combine all the dressing ingredients. Stir well.

Slice vegetables and put them in a bowl. Add the edamame beans. Toss with the dressing.

When you serve it, garnish with green onion and sesame seeds.

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