Maple mustard sauce or dressing

Maple mustard sauce or dressing (oil-free)

I have not eaten at McDonalds in 20 years, but as soon as I tasted this dip it took me back to the sweet mustard dipping sauce served with the fast-food chain’s nuggets. I use it with my crispy tofu sticks or as a salad dressing. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Yields ½ cup


2 tablespoons yellow mustard

2 tablespoons maple syrup

2 tablespoons canned coconut milk – solids only

1 tablespoon hot grainy mustard – store-bought or homemade

1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

⅛ teaspoon salt

Pinch of black pepper


2 tablespoons water


Mix all the ingredients together. Add a little water to get to the consistency you like. I use it as a dip for my crispy tofu sticks or fritters. It is also good as an oil-free salad dressing.

 click to download recipe