White wine vinaigrette

White wine vinaigrette (oil-free)

I eat a salad almost every day. Lately, I have been using a lot of different vinegars and dramatically reducing the oil or eliminating it all together. This is a simple, oil-free vinaigrette that is good on mixed greens, especially when you are eating it with a main course that is richer.

Yields: 1 cup


½ cup white wine vinegar

½ cup water

4 dates or vegan sweetener of your choice

¼ cup sunflower seeds

2 teaspoons grainy mustard (store-bought or home-made)

1 teaspoon Italian seasoning

½ teaspoon garlic powder

½ teaspoon onion powder

½ teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon pepper


Blend all the ingredients in high-speed blender. Be careful when you dress your salad, without oil it pours quickly.

click to download recipe