Water kefir – lemon ginger

Water kefir – lemon ginger

Water kefir is sometimes referred to as Nature’s pop. I love the fizz and the clean, refreshing taste. Lemon ginger is by far my favourite flavour. I like to bring it to social gatherings instead of alcohol. Lavender and lemon and hibiscus and lemon are also good combinations. I updated the technique in February 2022, because my kefir grains were sluggish. I now only let my first ferment sit for two days and extend the second ferment to seven days.

Yields: 2 litres


First fermentation

3-litre jar (12 cups)

8 cups of purified water[i]

½ cup of water kefir grains

½ apple - quartered

¼ cup cane sugar or sucanat

Second fermentation

¼ cup cane sugar or sucanat

½ cup lemon and ginger juice (recipe on SAGE plant cuisine)

Two 1-litre glass bottles with tight seal tops. You can purchase bottles at most natural food markets. I use old prosecco bottles.


First fermentation

Fill the jar with purified water leaving 1-inch at the top. Add kefir grains, sugar and apple. Cover the jar with a tea towel and secure it with an elastic. Store it in a warm, dark place to ferment for 2 days.

Second fermentation

Remove the apples and discard. Pour about 8 cups of the fermented liquid through a plastic strainer (metal can adversely impact the ferment process) into a large vessel with a pour spout. Set the grains and remaining liquid aside.

Add sugar and lemon and ginger juice to the fermented liquid. Stir to disperse the juice and dissolve some of the sugar. Pour into bottles using a funnel. Make sure you leave at least 1-inch of space at the top.

Seal the bottle and put back in a warm, dark place for seven more days. The longer it ferments the lower the sugar content and the more carbonation. You can ferment as little as three days.

Refrigerate to slow the fermentation process. Kefir is best served chilled.

Good resource: Kefir FAQ.

Click here to download recipe

[i] The chlorine in tap water negatively impacts the fermenting process.