Golden milk - turmeric paste

Golden milk - turmeric paste

Updated June 2023 – I tightened up the process and added the additional water makes it easier to blend and cook. It is important to note turmeric stains. Your blender may end up with a yellow tinge, especially if you make it regularly.


Golden milk paste

⅓ cup fresh turmeric –skin on

¼ cup cinnamon

¼ cup fresh ginger – skin on

1 tablespoon black peppercorns [i]

1 tablespoon green cardamom pods

1 cup purified water

2 teaspoons coconut oil

Additional water for cooking


Golden milk paste

In a high-speed blender blend all the ingredients except the oil into a paste. I use my tall blender vessel and make the full recipe, otherwise there is not enough volume to properly mix.

Cook the paste in the coconut oil over low to medium heat for 10 minutes. Use additional water if the paste starts to stick.

Once the paste is cooled, put it in a glass container and refrigerate. It will last 10 to 14 days. You can also freeze the paste.

Golden Milk

In a sauce pan combine 2 tablespoons of turmeric paste with 1 litre of almond milk. Warm on medium until the milk simmers. Do not let it boil.

The milk makes a warm satisfying drink, but it can also be added to other dishes such as oatmeal, pancakes or even muffins.

Click here to download recipe

[i] Black pepper and fat are needed to activate the healing properties of turmeric

Golden milk paste