Chipotle black bean burrito

Chipotle black bean burrito

These burritos are a favorite in our home. The beans and vegetables cooked in the homemade, smoky chipotle sauce create a great base that can be customized with your favourite fillings and toppings. For my husband, cashew sour cream and guacamole are a must, but I do regularly changeup the salsa; sometimes sweet, sometimes spicy, sometimes fermented, sometimes fresh.

Yields: 4 – 6 servings


2 cups cooked black beans or 1 can salt-free beans, drained and rinsed[i]

1 bell pepper – sliced or ½ cup of roasted red pepper in the jar

1 cup onion – sliced

¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons chipotle sauce - homemade fermented chipotle sauce

Salsa – fresh or fermented red salsa or green tomato salsa  


Cashew sour cream

Large tortilla – choose the highest quality you can find that does not have additives – I like the brand  IndianLife


Sauté fresh peppers and onions in a little oil or water. When they start to soften add the beans and chipotle sauce. If you are using roasted red peppers, add them at the end because they are already cooked.

Make your salsa and guacamole.

Heat a grill pan to high. Place ¼ of the bean mixture in the center of the tortilla, add salsa and guacamole. Roll the burrito, tucking in the sides. Place it in the hot grill pan. Once it is browned, turn it over. I even like to crisp up the ends. To brown quicker, I place a heavy pan on top of the burrito.

Serve with a side of cashew sour cream.

click to download recipe

[i] I like to use dry beans and legumes whenever possible. They are more affordable and I can control how they are cooked. It is important you soak them for 6-8 hours and rinse them before cooking. It makes them more digestible and the nutrients more bioavailable. If you use canned, make sure they drained are rinsed.