Sourdough oat pancakes

Sourdough oat pancakes

I updated this recipe in January 2023. I removed the oil and added some lemon juice and millet. I really like the result. I usually make these pancakes when I want to feed my sourdough starter, but don't have time to make bread. I enjoy them that day for breakfast, then freeze the extras. They are easily reheated in the toaster.

Yields – 11-12 pancakes


⅓ cup active starter (approx. 65 grams -100% hydration)

1 ¼ cups plant-based milk

½ cup unbleached all-purpose flour

½ cup sprouted spelt flour or whole wheat flour

½ cup oats

¼ cup millet

1 tablespoon cane sugar

1 flax egg (1 tablespoon ground flax and 3 tablespoons water)

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon lemon juice or vinegar

1 teaspoon cinnamon

½ teaspoon powdered ginger

½ teaspoon pink or sea salt


Day 1 (night time)

Feed your starter in the evening (I use 100% organic rye flour- whole not sifted) – sit it in a warm place overnight. In winter, I put it in front of my open dehydrator on its lowest setting.

Day 2 (morning)

Combine the ground flax and water. Let it sit until it starts to get gelatinous.

Mix starter, milk. lemon juice and seasonings in a bowl. Mix until the starter breaks down a bit. It will make it easier to incorporate with the dry ingredients.

In a separate bowl, add the remaining dry ingredients – mix well.

Combine the wet and dry. Let the batter sit for 10 minutes.

Heat up a seasoned or non-stick pan to medium high. Use a little oil if you want.

Pour pancake batter into the hot pan. A ¼ cup of batter makes a nice size pancake. When it starts to form bubbles on the surface, flip the pancake.

I usually freeze half the batch, placing a piece of parchment between each pancake, so they don’t stick together. I simply reheat the frozen pancakes in my toaster.

click to download recipe