Massaged kale with orange ginger dressing

Massaged kale with orange ginger dressing

When you massage kale, it makes it easier to digest and the nutrients easier for your body to absorb. This is my take on a salad we used to have on the menu at Plantitude restaurant when I worked there. It was always one of my favourites. Kale is packed with iron and is rich in vitamins A and K.

Yields: 4 side salads



¼ cup orange frozen concentrate (no added water)

¼ cup water

1 tablespoon tamari

1 tablespoon dark miso

1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar

½ teaspoon garlic powder or 1 large clove

2 teaspoons fresh ginger or ¼ teaspoon ground ginger

Massaged kale

8 cups kale – stems removed

2 teaspoons olive oil

½ teaspoon pink salt

¼ teaspoon garlic powder

Roasted beets

2 beets – diced into ½ inch cubes

Olive oil, salt and pepper

Additional toppings

1 orange – sliced rounds with skin and seeds removed

¼ cup pumpkin seeds - raw, unsalted [i]

2 tablespoons chives – finely diced


Preheat the oven to 350F. Lightly toss the beets in a little olive oil, salt and pepper. Roast until tender. 30-45 minutes.

While the beets are roasting. Wash, dry and destem the kale. Put the kale in a bowl with oil, salt and garlic powder. Massage until the kale is completely coated and softened.

Slice the oranges into rounds, remove the seeds and skins.  Dice the chives. Set them aside until you are ready to assemble the salad.

For the dressing, combine all the ingredients in a high-speed blender. Blend until smooth.

Assemble the salad. Use the kale as the base and top with the beets, oranges, pumpkin seeds and chives. I serve the dressing on the side. I like to make the elements in advance and store them separately until I am ready to plate. They will store well in the fridge for a several days.

click to download recipe

[i] I soak all my nuts and seeds. It removes the enzyme inhibitors making them easier to digest. The nuts are then dehydrated for 16 to 20 hours, until they snap or crunch to the bite. They can be stored in an airtight container for three months. I usually make large batches, so I have them on hand for snacking or recipes. This recipe can be made without soaking.