Lasagna rolls with tofu ricotta

Lasagna rolls with tofu ricotta

Yields: 8 servings


1 box lasagna noodles – cook al dente or try grilled zucchini or eggplant

1 teaspoon pink Himalayan salt

Marinara sauce

1 can 796 ml diced tomatoes (no salt)

1 680 ml jar passata (pureed tomatoes)

1 cup onion – diced

2 tablespoons fresh garlic – minced

2 tablespoons fresh basil

1 teaspoon cane sugar

½ teaspoon pink Himalayan salt

¼ teaspoon pepper

Pinch of red pepper flakes

Tofu ricotta

1 cup onion – diced

1 tablespoon minced garlic

Olive oil or water for sautéing

1 package extra firm tofu

¼ cup lemon juice

3 tablespoons nutritional yeast

1 ½ tablespoons white miso (I used chickpea miso)

½ teaspoon pink Himalayan salt

Water as needed

Mushrooms and spinach

8 cups mushrooms – slice (I like cremini)

¼ teaspoon pink Himalayan salt

Pinch black pepper

2 bunches or 6 heaping cups fresh spinach – stems removed

Olive oil or water for sautéing



Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add lasagna noodles. Follow the cooking instructions on the package. Reduce cooking time by a couple minutes to keep the pasta al dente. Drain the pasta and rinse with cool water. Set it aside for when you are ready to assemble the lasagna rolls.

If you are using zucchini or eggplant – Use a mandolin or sharp knife to slice them 1 centimeter thick. Sprinkle with a little salt and pepper and grill until softened enough to roll.

Marinara sauce

Sauté onions and garlic in water or a little oil and sprinkle with salt. Add tomatoes, sugar and pepper flakes. Simmer for a half-hour to reduce the sauce and bring the flavours together. Add the fresh basil. Cook a couple more minutes. Taste – add additional salt if needed. Set it aside for when you are ready to assemble the lasagna rolls.

Tofu ricotta

Sauté garlic and onions in water or a little oil and sprinkle with salt. Put the garlic and onions in a high-speed blender with the remaining ingredients. Blend until smooth. You can add a little water to get the correct consistency. Place in the fridge until you are ready to assemble the lasagna rolls.

Mushrooms and spinach

Sauté mushrooms in water or a little oil and sprinkle with salt. Cook until softened. Add spinach. Cook until it is wilted. Set it aside for when you are ready to assemble the lasagna rolls.


Preheat the oven to 375 F

In a 14-inch by 9-inch baking dish, spread enough sauce to lightly cover the bottom of the dish.

Cut lasagna noodles in half. Spread the mushrooms and spinach in the center of each noodle (see photo below). Put a couple of dollops of ricotta on top of the mushrooms and spinach. Carefully roll the noodle. Place it in the baking dish – seam down. Continue until the baking dish is full. Pour the remaining sauce on top. Use the same process with the grilled zucchini or eggplant.

Bake for 15 minutes until the sides are bubbling. Garnish with some cashew parmesan and fresh basil.

The dish freezes quite well.

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